Private Investigator near me: Atlanta, GA. 4 pointers.
Private Investigator near me: Atlanta, GA
Hiring a private investigator in Atlanta, GA is something that most people would wish they didn’t have to do. After all, people only hire a private investigator when they have a problem that they need help with. Usually, these problems are severe – a child custody battle, money owed, or a cheating spouse. Often, corporations hire private investigators to investigate workers’ compensation fraud, employee theft, and to conduct due diligence on their competitors and potential business partners. Attorneys hire private investigators to find witnesses, investigate criminal cases, search for heirs, and many other tasks such as tracking down debtors and repossessing items.
When someone is looking for a private detective in Atlanta, GA they often as themselves, “Could I find a private investigator near me to help me?”. This is a valid question as most people believe that a local service will be the best to help them. After all, the can meet them easily enough and will be able to check their references if necessary. So, the real question is “SHOULD I hire a private investigator near me in Atlanta, GA?
Should I hire a Private Investigator near me?
If you’ve decided to hire a private investigator near you, there are some things you should check for:
- Licensing – “Is the private investigator near me properly licensed?” Make sure whoever you hire is licensed. You can check their licensing at your Secretary of State office or with the State Police in your state. In Atlanta, GA any private investigator near you must be licensed and their license can be checked with the Georgia Secretary of State, Licensing Division.
- Impressions – “If I’m hiring a private investigator near me, should I meet them?” This is a great question to ask and you should probably consider meeting them so you can judge what kind of person they are. Are they professional? Do they seem confident? Are their ideas good ideas? Are they advising me, or just agreeing with everything I say? You want to be sure your first impression of the private detective is a good one because if you hire them, you’ll be working with them very closely.
- References – “Does the private investigator near me have any references/reviews/testimonials?” Another great question to ask a prospective private detective you are thinking about hiring. Many low-level, unprofessional private detectives will not share their clients with you as they’re afraid of the reviews they’ll get. If you’d like to see a sample of a valid review list for a private investigator you can view one here. A reference should have a proper name and a way to contact them. They should not be anonymous. Here is an example of a proper reference:
Some private detectives have more than one review site, for example, this private detective review site here. Other private detectives have dedicated client lists. An example of a professional private investigator client list can be viewed here.
- Experience – “Does the private investigator near me have the experience I need to complete the task?” You can check a private investigator’s experience by checking to see how long they’ve been licensed and by checking their references to see whether they approve of them for the task you need them for. Not all private detectives are experienced in every job you might need them for. Some specialize in surveillance, while others specialize in doing computer work such as searching for missing persons. You need to be sure you’re hiring someone who has the experience to complete the task at hand.
If you are looking for an affordable licensed Atlanta private detective, with 20 years of experience assisting individuals, attorneys and corporations feel free to contact us here. You can also view a portion of our extensive client list here, and see what actual clients say about Eagle Investigative Services a private detective in Atlanta, Georgia.