Should I hire a private investigator for child custody?
Child custody cases are some of the most emotionally charged cases a private investigator can get involved with. The fact that there are usually young children involved and their future and welfare is at stake make these cases some of the most important cases a private investigator can help with.
Often, when a couple separates the children are subject to a custody agreement that means they spend some time with each parent and there is a time schedule set for this. Children often go to the father midweek for an evening and every other weekend. The rest of the time the children are with their mother. Sometimes, this can be reversed with the mother have limited visitation and the father having the kids more often.
Either way, when a child returns from the other parent they often have some quite distressing stories to report back to the other parent. Sometimes, the children return with bruises and the parent wonders how they might have gotten bruised, or who gave their child the bruise.
Kids often report that they were left alone for extended periods of time and this is very worrying for a parent. Kids often exaggerate and this leaves the parent wondering just how long they might have been left alone.
So you may ask yourself the question, should I hire a private investigator for child custody?
There are several ways a private investigator can help.
- If your child has bruises consistently a private investigator can gather evidence of the children’s activities. Maybe the children are simply rough-housing in the yard and if this is the case the private investigator can verify this using video evidence.
- If the child says they’ve been left alone for long periods of time the private investigator can get video evidence of this. In certain cases the use of GPS tracking technology can be used to monitor activity.
- If the other parent is drinking the private investigator can document this using video and also by retrieving the trash from the residence to show and excessive number of alcohol bottles or cans.
- The private investigator can also video document the interactions between the parent and the children. If the child is off in their own world and the parent isn’t paying attention to them the private investigator can obtain video evidence of this.
- If there’s violence between the parent and the child the private investigator can document this using video evidence.
- If one parent is bringing strangers around the children, the private investigator can document this using video evidence. The private investigator can then run background checks on these people which might reveal criminal records which can affect the children’s welfare.
As you can see, there are many ways a private investigator can assist you in protecting your child. The question is not “should I hire a private investigator for child custody” but rather, “Do I need to hire a private investigator for child custody.
If you are looking for an affordable private investigator, with 20 years of experience assisting individuals, attorneys and corporations feel free to contact us here. You can also view a portion of our extensive client list here, and see what actual clients say about us here.